Short Term Investment
Cornerstone Properties has a proven process for selecting strategically located properties which minimize risk for the investor. The process begins by selecting real estate that is strategically located. Next, we generate a feasibility study to determine if the site meets our high standards for development.
If the project is determined to be feasible and profitable, Cornerstone Properties will conduct due diligence to confirm the study's findings. During this phase, we are simultaneously seeking to establish the best financing options to maximize returns and reduce risk. We do this by seeking the right amount of leverage along with the appropriate financial terms, best suited for each investment.
After performing due diligence, we close on the property and begin construction. Throughout the construction phase, we continually monitor and manage project through completion.
Once the construction has been completed, we put the property up for sale. Upon sale investors will receive their return.
This process typically takes 12 - 18 months.
Capital Investments is the sister company of Cornerstone Properties.
Capital Investments has investment funds that are used to raise money for the acquisition and development of Cornerstone Properties projects.
Founder & CEO
Keith McGuire